Drop by or place your order online. Online payments can be made using PayPal, Credit Card, EMT etc.
Please note, we can accept cash, EMTs and credit card payments onsite during our pickup hours if that is preferred but at the moment we do not take debit.
Order Pickup:
Please check our hours of operation below for our pick up times before placing your order as some days/times are subject to change.
If you intend to pick your order up on one of our designated days, please have your order in at least 2 hours before you are wanting to pick it up. You will receive an email stating that your order is ready for shipping or pickup or you can always email or call in advance to make sure your order is ready. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to give us a call at 902-892-8052. It is outside of our hours of operation please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hours of operation:
Starting in September 2023, I will no longer be able to accomodate local pickup and drop in sales during the weekday evenings. We will only be open on
Saturdays between 10am and 3pm
Sorry for any inconvenience.
If you need your order sooner, contact matt@eastcoasthoppers.ca and I will do my best to make arrangements to get your order to you as soon as possible.
This does not affect online orders.
East Coast Hoppers ships world wide with Canada Post and does not make money off of shipping fees. All shipping fees are calculated at the time of checkout. Remember, the best way to minimize shipping fees is to have enough items in your order to make it worth while. It doesn't cost much more to ship a 10 pound box instead of a 1 pound box
When orders are placed before 2 pm we will try our best to make sure they ship out the same day. Please be aware that while we strive to make sure these orders go out the same day, there may be times where this may not be possible. In these cases, the orders will go out the next day.
Orders placed after 2 pm will most likely go out the next day.
Orders that are placed on Fridays and on the weekend will go out the following Monday.