Sládek (Czech) - 1lb (454g)

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  • Regular price $19.99

Sládek was bred with breeding material that had an origin with Northern Brewer and Saaz.   Sládek is noted to be a good complement to Saaz in late-hopping applications.

Aroma: It has a fruity flavor profile with essences of Strawberry, peach, passion fruit, and grapefruit.

Possible substitutions include Saaz
Alpha Acid 4.5 - 7%
Beta Acid 4 - 7%
Co-humulone 23 - 30%
Total Oil 1 - 2 g/100g
Myrcene 35 - 50% of total oil
Caryophyllene 8 - 13% of total oil
Linalool 0.15 - 0.3% of total oil
Farnesene <0.1% of total oil
Humulene 20 - 40% of total oil